Activity Kit Details & Ordering

TO PLACE AN ORDER: You may order these kits using the Paypal buttons below; or Email:  hbohan (remove space after hbohan) explaining what you’d like to order and we’ll send you a Paypal invoice or you can pay with credit card by phone. Lead times generally vary from 10-18 days, occasionally sooner if I have some kits already started, so please plan ahead. 

Spring 2025 Notice: Taking Pre-orders only from March 12th- April 26th: Shipping in May, will confirm estimated shipping date after receipt of order, full refund upon request. 

NOT ACCEPTING LARGE ORDERS: These kits are custom-made from ethically harvested, seasonally available materials, (usually by me!). I love to inspire educators with the lesson plans and support materials for implementing these authentic activities, but it’s not my intention to be a large-volume, material supplier, and I encourage teachers to source their materials from their local community, once they’ve experienced and learned about these activities through my thematic kits. Therefore, I am no longer accepting large orders of more than four kits of any one type without previous arrangements. Please contact me directly if you would like to discuss options for providing for larger orders.

Cattail Mat Kit 

Students can see an artifact model of traditionally sewn cattail mat (optional purchase), and historic images of cattail mats in use, made from the common cattail, and learn about the importance of cattail mats in daily life for insulation, mattresses, seating and more for the people of Cascadia. Students from ages 8 -80 enjoy this activity.

Each student will make a small cattail mat using a 6″ needle, natural fiber cordage, and cattail leaves. These mats are roughly 3″x6″ and help students understand how the properties of cattails are ideal for this purpose, and learn the unique sewn (not woven) technique used for these mats. Optionally, these model mats can then be used to make ‘summer shelter’ diorama’s to replicate cattail mat shelters used during the gathering seasons. Note: supplies for diorama’s are not supplied, but easily available (plates, pipe cleaners, modeling clay, natural objects, etc.

cattail-mat-kit-3Kit includes: Sample project mat; cattails prepared and cut to length for 25- 3″x6″ (+/-) mats, 25- 6″ plastic needles, hemp cordage and raffia cut to length, activity sheet with instructions, historic images and line art. Optional artifact replica of a cattail mat 6″x 8″ (+/-) using authentic materials and techniques available for hands-on learning (below).

Spring 2025 Notice: Pre-orders only from March 12th- April 26th: Shipping in May, fully refundable

Kit- Class set: $140.00 Buy Now Button

Artifact replica: $100.00 Buy Now Button

Additional student supplies* (max 10/kit): $4.00 Buy Now Button

Replenishment Kit** (max 2 /kit): $100.00  Buy Now Button

  • *’Additional students supplies’ are only available at the time of order with the associated kit and are not available separately. If you need additional student supplies in the future please use the Replenishment Kit option or contact me directly.
  • ** see below for description of Replenishment kits

Cedar Bark Weaving Kit

Activity kits cedar bracelet

Students will learn about the amazing, and difficult to resource, inner bark of Western redcedar tree and how it can be used to weave baskets, hats, mats and more for daily life. Students from third grade to high school enjoy this activity. Students will see a sample cedar bark strip and how cedar can be split into finer strips for basketry. They will weave a small cedar bark bracelet or armband using a braided diagonal plaiting technique, then embellish with shell buttons, sinew and colored raffia.

cedar-bark-activity-kitKit includes: Sample inner outer bark of Western redcedar tree showing the layers; sample thick bark to demo splitting; Activity sheet with instructions; historic images and line art; prepared cedar bark strips cut and prepared, raffia, sinew and buttons for 25 bracelets.

Spring 2025 Notice: Pre-orders only from March 12th- April 26th: Shipping in May, fully refundable

Kit- Class set (25 students): $145.00 Buy Now Button

Additional students* (max 10/kit)- $4.50/each Buy Now Button

Replenishment Kit** (max 2/kit): $120.00 Buy Now Button

  • *’Additional students supplies’ are only available at the time of order with the associated kit and are not available separately. If you need additional student supplies in the future please use the Replenishment Kit option or contact me directly.
  • ** see below for description of Replenishment kits

Northwest Weaving with Wool Kit

Students learn about the art form of Northwest Coast weaving with yarn (originally made from mountain goat or woolly dog) on a unique ‘two-bar loom’ for blankets and robes. Using a model of this traditional ‘two-bar loom’ students will each make their own small weaving of a Salish blanket using yarns with traditional colors.
Note: these can be used as ‘blankets’ in the cattail mat diorama. Some students also make bracelets or bookmarks from them. 

Kit includes: 25) two-bar loom models, Pre-cut yarn (white, and traditional colors) for 25 weavings; 25) 2″ plastic needles; Instruction sheet for activity; color images of two bar loom and Northwest Coast wool weavings.

Spring 2025 Notice: Pre-orders only from March 12th- April 26th: Shipping in May, fully refundable

Weaving kitKit- Class set (25 students): $150.00 Buy Now Button

Additional students* (max 10/kit): $4.50/each Buy Now Button

Replenishment kit** (max 2/kit): $45.00/eachBuy Now Button

  • *’Additional students supplies’ are only available at the time of order with the associated kit and are not available separately. If you need additional student supplies in the future please use the Replenishment Kit option or contact me directly.
  • ** see below for description of Replenishment kits

Natural dyes kit

Natural Dyes Supplemental Kit Extend the Weaving with Wool activity by dying your own yarn for the weaving. Supplemental kit includes up to six plant dye materials such as Oregon grape, black walnut, Osage orange, red alder and dried salal berries; wool yarn bundles ready to dye; Activity sheet, and dye sample form students can use to display their dyed wool projects.

Spring 2025 Notice: Pre-orders only from March 12th- April 26th: Shipping in May, fully refundable

Natural Dyes Kit price: $125.00 Buy Now Button

Cedar Plank Houses

Plank wall model 2

Students will learn about cedar plank houses and their unique construction which includes the removable plank wall, and tiled roof planks. They will learn about the properties of redcedar wood and how it was split into planks using wedges and mallets. Students will discover the unique construction technique used to create the removable plank wall. Using one cedar plank wall model with alder poles, cedar planks and natural cordage, students will understand that this construction technique works perfectly for the weather in the lands of Cascadia.


Activity boxed cedar plank wall kitKit includes: Six old growth cedar planks, 4 wood poles, cedar base and natural cordage to assemble a roughly 10″x12″ model of a cedar plank house wall, line art pages for cedar plankhouse and construction, color drawings of plank houses.

Spring 2025 Notice: Pre-orders only from March 12th- April 26th: Shipping in May, fully refundable

Cedar Plankhouse Kit price: 175.00 Buy Now Button

Large Plankhouse Wall Model– roughly 24″x24″: $375
Currently in use by museums and cultural centers Buy Now Button

Plank wall modelw cattail

Optional Cattail Mat Artifact can be used to show how cattail mats were used on the inside of the plank wall as insulation to capture and hold heat.

Spring 2025 Notice: Pre-orders only from March 12th- April 26th: Shipping in May, fully refundable

Artifact Cattail Mat Replica: 100.00  Buy Now Button

**Replenishment kits are the replenishable supplies necessary for each student to make their project, and are available for up to two additional classes per kit ordered, per year. In other words if you order one full class Kit plus two kit replenishment, you will have enough supplies for 75 students. Replenishments Kits do not include props, images, or activity sheets, or reusable equipment (needles, looms, etc), so please be sure you still have these if you are reordering from a previous year. They may only be ordered in conjunction with a kit.